CompassPoint stands in solidarity with people rising up across the country to affirm that Black Lives Matter. We ask ourselves and our community: What will be different this time?
With so much urgency and crisis, it feels counterintuitive to make tending to tasks and projects secondary. But in order for us to do the important work that this moment calls for, we must first tend to our people and honor their individual needs, and make space for their unique contributions. This is the first step towards doing “the work” with integrity and wholeness.
It is impossible to pick the right adjective to describe these past few weeks because they have been all the adjectives. It’s been a blessing and a burden to be at home while working full-time. Caretaking has brought equal parts heart warmth and heartburn. As an organizational leader, I've felt guilt, fear, insecurity, inspiration, and appreciation. Mostly though, I've just felt exhausted. It feels like every part of my life has been collapsed into the same physical space, with no boundaries or end in sight.
As we all find ourselves being pushed, challenged, and transformed by this moment in time, it should be no surprise that dominant culture habits may be creeping back into our work, our teams, and our organizations.
Last year, we shared with you how we were starting to plant the seeds for transformation in our workshops program. This year, some of the seeds are starting to sprout. Learn more about what's changing in our workshops space this year.
As we enter a new decade, we wanted to share an invitation for introspection and reflection. What will you bring forward and what will you let go of?
As we look back on 2019, we're filled with gratitude for the incredible community of leaders, learners, and supporters who have continued to evolve and grow with us. Thank you for trusting us to partner with you as we work to create a more just and equitable world.
How can an organization build equity in its compensation process through distributed leadership? This piece will share how CompassPoint empowered a peer-led group to provide review and oversight to a compensation process that was designed to build more equity into our system.
In this blog, we explore how CompassPoint worked to create a more equitable approach to compensation by updating our systems to reflect new values, simplifying the career framework, making the pay gap smaller, and restructuring how compensation decisions are made.
Compensation is where our values are tested, our willingness to take (real or perceived) organizational risks is codified, and ultimately where decisions are made that directly affect people’s livelihood. That’s why we’re going a little deeper and sharing our story of reimagining compensation at CompassPoint over the next three blogs.