In this guest blog, Lauren (Finn) Lofton (Senior Subsidized Housing Advocate & Policy Analyst for Housing Rights Committee of San Francisco and a participant in CompassPoint's Public Training Program) asks: how can we center self-care in social justice movement work?
In this blog on convening staff racial identity groups, Project Coordinator Kad Smith shares what he learned from facilitating CompassPoint’s People of Color Caucus.
Are you feeling the urgency of “now” — the need as an organization or individual to take a stand and align your actions towards your convictions? We have certainly felt the call rising at CompassPoint over the past two years to prioritize and center racial equity in our work, and it has only escalated in light of the political changes of the past six months on the national level. As a staff, we’ve been holding important conversations and have been grappling with some big questions as we define the organization we need to be for our community. Questions like: What does our community and staff need from us? Why this work? Why now?
In celebration of Black History Month, CompassPoint staff members, organized by our Operations Coordinator, Jasmine Hall, have been taking time this February to learn more about the lives of Black activists and artists with ties to our home base of Oakland. These individuals, some of whom we were familiar with and others who were new to us, have all contributed to building racial and social justice in the Oakland community and beyond. We've learned a lot and thought you, too, might be interested in learning more about these champions for equity. (Note: the bios have been excerpted from Wikipedia and websites associated with the individuals.)
How do some structures at nonprofit organizations make it harder for people of color to thrive and survive? In this open letter to other POC leaders, Project Director Lupe Poblano explores how patriarchal, white dominant structures that prioritize hierarchy and productivity fail to support community, connection, and the ability to bring our authentic selves to work.
In our blog this week, Project Coordinator Kad Smith explores the ways in which individuals can contribute to change by exercising influence, even without positional authority and the power and privilege that often go along with it. Do you agree with Kad?
What role should equity and allyship play in organizational change efforts? Project Director Lupe Poblano says they are the respective goal and means through which to achieve true change. Do you agree? Read Lupe's blog and share your thoughts in the comments section below.
As a follow-up to the blog “What is a Theory of Change and How Can You Use It?” CompassPoint Project Director Shannon Ellis draws on her experience as a consultant in this strategy area to share which situations are conducive to a successful theory of change process and which aren’t.
We're pleased to share with you this incomplete(!) round up of racial justice resources curated by CompassPoint staff members Amy Benson, Michelle Gislason, Maro Guevara, sujin lee, and Asha Mehta. We hope you find this list useful, invite you to add your favorite resources, and share it widely with your networks .
In this piece, Shannon Ellis reflects on one of the less well-known, but equally important, legacies of Prince: social justice advocate.