
August 9, 2018

What's possible when our approach to what we do starts with who we are? Paola Cubías explores how our vision and strategy process put values at the center of our work. 

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July 3, 2018

In this guest blog, Elizabeth Ayala (Senior Program Associate at the Women's Foundation of California) explores what it's like to tackle negative internal scripts through one-on-one coaching with a certified coach. Elizabeth participated in CompassPoint's Next Generation Leaders of Color (Inland Region) leadership development program over the last year.

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March 23, 2018

A letter from CompassPoint's new Co-Director. 

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February 20, 2018

Looking for books on leadership and social change that can challenge you, spark change, and ingite your curiosity?  Here are some of the reads that we've been sharing with each other . 

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January 22, 2018

Social movements are powered in no small part through radical leaps of imagination: a building of a collective narrative of a world none of us have lived in, but long for. 
If nonprofits are vehicles for social change, then shouldn’t we also have practices that embrace that spirit of audacious, joyful, and unbridled imagination?


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October 30, 2017

What can long distance running teach us about deep equity work? Co-Director Lupe Poblano explores how his passion for running helps him think about practicing equity. 

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October 2, 2017

In this guest blog, Paulina Rojas (program associate and reporter at Coachella Unincorporated and a member of CompassPoint’s Next Generation Leaders of Color Inland Region program) shares her experience from the cohort’s first gathering last month. 

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August 23, 2017

In this guest blog, Lauren (Finn) Lofton (Senior Subsidized Housing Advocate & Policy Analyst for Housing Rights Committee of San Francisco and a participant in CompassPoint's Public Training Program) asks: how can we center self-care in social justice movement work?

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April 6, 2017

In this blog on convening staff racial identity groups, Project Coordinator Kad Smith shares what he learned from facilitating CompassPoint’s People of Color Caucus. 

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March 24, 2017

Are you feeling the urgency of “now” — the need as an organization or individual to take a stand and align your actions towards your convictions? We have certainly felt the call rising at CompassPoint over the past two years to prioritize and center racial equity in our work, and it has only escalated in light of the political changes of the past six months on the national level. As a staff, we’ve been holding important conversations and have been grappling with some big questions as we define the organization we need to be for our community. Questions like: What does our community and staff need from us? Why this work? Why now?

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